NEWS FLASH: Bios Updated March 20th, 2003

(last updated October 11th, 2001)

Contributing Author Aaron is ignored! (of course David is authoring them)

That's right, Aaron was not involved in the revision of these bios at all this time. Not that he doesn't do quality work... well, yeah, actually that is the case.

One quick note - if you have any questions, complaints, or anything , please let David know.

Aaron Monseiur Druck is hard at work (or is it hardly working?) in Washington DC, periodically dropping hints that he wants to go back to school.... in STL, no less. Who will get into Wash U first: Jeff or Aaron?
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Andy is working hard at the car wash, repeating day-in and day-out the words, "Lemon or new-car scent?" Caught prowling the internet dating sites once again, he is finding himself venturing into... ahem... VIRGIN territory (click on this link for a hint!)
andyhead.jpg (1523 bytes)


Cady Cady is also working at Waterway, but she has a cushy desk job at the corporate office. Currently threatening to set Jeff up with one of her friends.
e-mail: (I guess?)

Calta Now married, (oh yeah, I need to make this into a Calta & April Bio) Calta is (believe it or not) loving his job and making a lot of money. Granted, he is using most of it to pay off the ten years he was in college, but.....
caltahead.jpg (1219 bytes)
e-mail: ???
Calta's Sound #1
Calta's Sound #2
Calta's Sound #3

David Let's see... since the last update, my life has changed pretty drastically... I'm now at Wash U getting my MBA, and Amy and I are engaged. Shit! Another bio I have to make into a double.
davidhead.jpg (2188 bytes)

David's Sound #1
David's Sound #2

Ellen Ellen is alive and well... at least, she was around Christmastime (or was it Thanksgiving?) She's currently living and working in Boston. Sorry, I couldn't think up anything funny.
ellenhead.jpg (1334 bytes)
email: ???

Emily Emily is... well, Emily. She never changes. She's currently "dating" (in Emily terms) some guy in Columbia, MO. Remember the college "different zip code" rule? She lives it.



Jamie is:

Alive: Probably
Working: Probably
Enjoying the incredible weather that California always has: Definately

Call and check in, beyatch!

Jamie's Sound #1
Jamie's Sound #2


Jay seems to be settling down into a regular drinking schedule... that is, Monday - Sunday. Except on major holidays, where there is a hangover day built in.

In actually, he is becoming an independant wine consultant. He will truly be a Wine Merchant.

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Jay's Sound #1
Jay's Sound #2
Jay's Sound #3

Jeff Jeff is thoroughly and utterly unemployed. (Sorry buddy!) Give him a job. Please. I had classes with him all throughout grade school. I don't need him in grad school with me as well! (Just kidding.... well, somewhat! ;)
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Jennifer Soon to be yet another victim to the double-bio classification, Jenn is now living in DC with her boytoy. Training is proceeding apace; she expects to have JP completely worn down by the wedding this July.
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Jerry Having moved into a house, Jerry is now looking for a little woman (ha! couldn't resist) to complete the serene suburban lifestyle. You know, someone to do the laundry, the dishes, and clean up the place... so that this moron doesn't do all that 10 minutes before we all go out on the weekend!!!
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Jerry's Sound #1

Jim Taking a cue from Andy, Jim is now in Colorado, skiing everyday in the winter and climbing everyday in the summer. Presumably, he is back into physical shape. Knowing his drinking habits, we also know what this shape looks like.
jimhead.jpg (2298 bytes)

e-mail :???

J.P. After choosing a Bachelor party guaranteed to bankrupt everyone, JP is probably working on the next top secret government project. Hopefully, it involves teaching white men how to dance (remember, the wedding is just months away!)
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JP's Sound #1

Justin Justin is.... alive? We think? Actually, last thing we heard is that he and Dawn are engaged... what a frightening predicament.
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Kate Kate is preparing her oral defense for her master's degree...please, save the jokes for the next time she's in town.
katehead.jpg (1754 bytes)
e-mail: Pez624@yahoo com

Matt and Stacy White The first official double bio, these kids are happy and healthy in lovely Winter Park, FL. (At least, we think so.. .that's how we left them!)
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Ravi Slim Pickin's is roughing it out in the Far East Side, Nepal. Presumably safe for the time being, we eagerly await his return to civilization. In the meantime, we congratulate him on his continuing devotion to meeting every person in the known world.
ravihead.jpg (2216 bytes)
Ravi's Sound #1

Sathya Sathya is..... I just don't know.
No Photo Available

Mike WHOA! Yes, there is yet another engaged person. Mike is set to be wedded just after Thankgiving in 2003. Luckily, it's in Chi-town, so we can fly or drive up after Aaron's drunken debacle the night before.


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